“Fun but not fluff, educational but entertaining.” Ginjer’s approach to literacy is to meet kids where they are, both with her writing and her programs. She has had 40 nonfiction science books published and more than 4 million copies sold worldwide, and she has presented at hundreds of elementary schools, as well as regional reading and writing conferences, statewide book festivals, bookstores, and libraries—and even a zoo!—since 2005.
Her beginning readers are full of silly facts and exciting action, but they also encourage critical thinking, introduce complex science concepts in accessible ways, and serve as a model for students’ descriptive writing and research. Ginjer’s programs for grades K-6 are lively, interactive, and amusing while covering the book process, addressing curriculum-relevant topics, and engaging students in writing and revisions exercises. She strives to make the idea of being an author attainable and attractive, and encourages students to be citizen scientists.
Animals Are Fun!
Ginjer reads short books, plays a true-or-false listening game, leads the kids in an animal pretending game, and gives brief information about her background and the book process. For grades K-1 (30-45 minutes).
Really Reading
This program has more discussion about the book process from concept to publication. It includes longer, selected book readings with background anecdotes, interactive questions, and a question-and-answer session. For grades 2-3 (45-60 minutes).
Let’s Get Writing!
The same as the Really Reading program but with a fun 15-minute writing workshop and a more in-depth discussion of the research and revision processes. For grades 4-5 (60 minutes).
Young Authors’ Club
This 60-minute small group session (about 20-25 selected grade 4-5 students) gives promising young writers a chance to get feedback and meet the author in a more intimate, casual setting. Discussion and activities include journal writing, “show don’t tell” writing, and revision tips. Each student receives a signed bookmark and individual instruction and encouragement.
Inside Look at Publishing
This 60-minute program was developed for grades 6-8 to incorporate both a detailed look at the life of an author and the step-by-step process of traditional publishing. It also includes a few writing exercises focused on sharpening revision skills and show-don’t-tell writing. The publishing process program is also appropriate for high school and college classes that want more knowledge about publishing and the art and business of children’s books.
Family Literacy Night

Coleman Elementary Family Night, 2022
Many schools have a Title I requirement to include parents in literacy activities, but they struggle with ways to entice families back to school for an evening program. Ginjer’s family-friendly reading night is a proven hit for getting kids and parents engaged with reading. She gives an overview of her background and how she researches and writes her books,

Rockingham County Young Authors’ Celebration, 2022
and then she presents activities that parents can do with their kids to foster a love of reading nonfiction, complete with interactive reader’s theater that is always entertaining! She also provides handouts of these tips for parents to take home and bookmarks for all kids. This program is a great opportunity for kids to meet the author and get their books signed in-person. Providing pizza or snacks for families and/or making it a pajama party adds to the fun and memorable night.
Appearance Fees

Watkins Elementary, 2008
Ginjer will give up to four in-person presentations per day. Group sizes should be limited to approximately 200 students per session to keep the presentations intimate and interactive. For schools within 100 miles of Richmond, Virginia, the fee is $300 per session. Up to 200 miles is $400 per session plus overnight accommodation. Presentations beyond that distance are $500 per session plus airline/rail travel and accommodation. Virtual visits are still available for $200.
Family literacy night programs are the same as the cost of one session if adding on to a full-day school visit, or the cost of two sessions if scheduling as an evening event only.
Smaller schools close to each other can share a full day, and a half day can be arranged in the Richmond area or when the author is already in the requested area. Travel expenses can be shared when two or more schools book together. All fees include driving mileage and any additional time needed for book signing.
If you’re not sure what will work for your school or have a special request or needs, please ask!

Book signing at JMU College of Education, 2022
Schools that book a full-day visit will receive a free selection of Ginjer’s most recent titles to use for publicity and then keep for the school. When a visit is booked, the school will receive a complete packet of planning materials, including an order form in both English and Spanish, preparation checklist, and a flyer to send home. Schools can purchase books directly from the publisher at a 40% discount and offer them for sale to students in advance of the author visit. Ginjer will personalize and sign all pre-ordered books on the day(s) of her visit during breaks between sessions (or during the literacy night program).
For more information and to request a visit for your school, please contact Ginjer here.
I have also partnered with Streamable Learning, an affordable, subscription-based virtual field trip and content provider. Click here to see what programs I am scheduled for this school year and to learn more.